A small and humble home-based studio offering a range of wheel and hand building classes where you can engage your creative side or just try a new experience.

Our classes are small, relaxed and cater to all abilities.


We offer a range of pottery classes to suit your interests and needs.

Catering for private lessons, small groups or corporate events, there is something for everyone. 


About Us

Our little pottery studio has slowly grown over the last few years with the view to sharing our love of creating and having a space where we can unwind, be productive and engage in some focused mindfulness all at the same time. When teaching, I draw on the knowledge I have gained since starting pottery in early high school, formal learning and many experiments and failures along the way. Having a background in primary education and corporate learning development means I feel comfortable teaching any age. Like with all things in life, there is always something new to learn. With pottery being so diverse in its styles, techniques and applications I will never know it all – and I like that; it means it is a lifelong adventure.

I get a real buzz out of seeing a student’s thought process come to life, bouncing ideas around for the best way to construct their work, seeing unknown creativity and design skills discovered and the joy and pride when students are able to hold their work and say “I made this!” I started teaching my husband Anthony about 4 years ago. In that time, he has become my ‘kiln guy’ and loves delving into the world of glaze chemistry.

We are by no means experts, just want to share our love of clay with others.